Less is More!
Getting a gift for your little one can be a real head-scratcher, because kids nowadays seem to
have it all! Do kids these days really have too much? Find out here Children today have a boatload of toys and not enough free time to play with them. With time, these dollies lose their charm and are forgotten, often replaced by newer models and stored away at the bottom of the toy chest all ragged and old. Cutting back on too many toys by replacing material possessions with scheduled activities is a better way for kids to play and have fun at the same time. It also ensures more learning and development for your little ones. Here’s why you should make the switch:
Their Creativity Blossoms– Too many toys prevent kids from fully developing their gift of imagination. Let children use their basic surroundings and items around them to invent games and use imagination while playing.
Longer Attention Spans– When too many toys are introduced into a child’s life, their attention span begin to suffer – they will not be able to concentrate on one thing properly as
there is always something there to distract them.
Loss of Values– A child will not learn to fully appreciate the toy in front of them when there are countless options waiting for them to play with. They won’t value what they have
and won’t take care of their belongings properly.
Better social skills– When they are out of the house and interacting with other children and adults with fewer toys, it helps them to develop interpersonal relationships with others
and build social skills. They learn the give and take of a good conversation.
Take Up Hobbies– Fewer toys allows your children to take up reading, writing, singing, colouring, painting, dancing and other activities.
Learn to be Selfless– Kids who get everything they want often end up being spoilt; believing they can have anything they desire. They also end up being very selfish which is a
very unhealthy trait.
More Physical Activity– Children running and playing outside get that much-needed physical exercise for healthier and happier bodies.
A Tidy Home– No more mess! A clutter of toys takes over an entire home. Fewer toys result in a neater and cleaner home.
If you have to engage them with toys make sure you introduce open-ended toys which requires a child’s imagination, with no “one way” to play with it.
These toys need children to interact and engage with it, fuelling their creativity. It also helps them build problem-
solving techniques, develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and other skills. Lego, Building blocks, Animal figurines, Kitchen sets, dress up sets and role playing, Playdough,
Jigsaw puzzles are open-ended toys you can pick up for your kids.
Make sure you that from now on you let your kids play outdoors more often. Remember to
buy less and give away old toys to kids in need to light up their days!